Thursday, December 25

The Search for the Better Sheikh...

My search for the best sheikh in Cairo, after four years of almost-always (I never get out of bed when I'm out of Cairo to go to the prayers) going to Friday prayers, is now being refocused to my move to New York (yes I'm moving to NYC mid-January).

There are several reasons I go to the Friday sermons in the mosque next to our house, of which I won't really delve into. I just wanted to write a thought down concerning my search for this better Sheikh (and maybe someday soon, Sheikha):

The Thought (no drumroll, no!): Remember the Reverend Mother in Sound of Music? Well, I was just listening to the song "How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria" (because who doesn't listen to it in the privacy of their own office?) and the structure of the song basically shows how understanding and empathetic and the other, young (more inexperienced) nuns are a (forive me) litte bitchy about Julie Andrews.

So I wondered: Where is that role model in a Sheikh around me?

And so continues the search for the perfect Sheikh.


Dini said...

forgive my ignorance, what's a sheikh?

Unknown said...

FD: it's the muslim "man of god", roughly the equivalent of a priest

babykang (yeah that's ur new name cuz i think we killed poupi): when the day comes and u do find him/her, do lemme know.. i've always had the crazy thought of BECOMING her, but on a scholarly level... educating ppl on the way things are as opposed to what they have been made out to be through history and teh political contamination / confusion of facts, etc.

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