Tuesday, November 11

So you think you can 'end violence against women?'

Ban Ki Moon, the new sparsely talked about Secertary General has an online campaign to rally signatures to end Violence Against Women. In one year, he wanted a million signatures (if you're interested go to www.unifem.org to sign their signatures book) and I think he's about 400,000 signatures in and he's got until the end of this month (November 25th to be specefic). Here's my suggestion:

Condoleezza Rice was on BBC last night and the first thing the reporter asked her was "The Bush Administration is such a great failure what do you have to say that to that." In which she responded: Look at women in Afghanistan" as a self-evident remark.

Let's just agree that every time someone says that they'd have to pay a dollar. Anything about women in that manner. It'll probably be more successful than Ban Ki Moon's Campaign to End VAW.


Dini said...

You are singlehandedly helping me get up to date on current affairs

Christopheruluo said...

You are singlehandedly helping me get up to date on current affairs

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